Influenza (Flu)

What should you do if you have flu like symptoms?

Flu mostly causes a mild to moderate illness. It is uncomfortable but most people do not need treatment and are able to recover at home within a few days.

  • Stay at home for up to 7 days or until you fully recover – do not come into work or college while ill
  • Staff should contact their manager and let them know you are ill. You should post any medical certificates into work rather than attend in person
  • Students who are due to sit examinations and are unable to do so due to the Flu, should contact Sheelagh O’Gara by phone in the Examinations Office as soon as possible
  • Rest in bed as much as possible
  • Take medicines such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to reduce the symptoms
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Discourage any visitors
  • Contact your GP surgery by telephone if you don’t improve, or if you start to improve and then get worse