Fees and Funding (Online and Part-Time Courses)

Additional information about fees and funding for students studying an online or part time courses. You must have your funding secured before registering for your course.

Self Funded Students

Sponsored Students

How to Pay Fees

Request Receipt

Tuition Fees 2024/25

Tuition fees are available on individual course webpages. 

Self Funded Students - Payment Plans & Deadlines

Self-funded students can choose from one of the following payment plans for the 2024/25 Academic Year. 

Please refer to the information for your intake. 

If your tuition fees are being paid directly to ATU by your employer, skillnet or Springboard please refer to the information here.

Self-funded students who are starting their course in January 2024 can choose from one of the following payment plans.  

Payment Plan 1:

Pay 100% of tuition fees at registration.

You must pay online with a debit/credit card via Self-Service Banner. Instructions are available here.

Payment Plan 3 

Pay  20% of your tuition fees at registration and then pay 20% per month for 4 months. Monthly payments must be be received by the following dates: 

  • February 20th 
  • March 20th 
  • April 20th 
  • May 20th 

You must complete an instalment request form and pay online via Self-Service Banner before the deadlines. Instructions available here

Self-funded students who are starting their course in September of the current academic year can choose from one of the following payment plans.  

Payment Plan 1:

Pay 100% of tuition fees at registration.

You must pay online with a debit/credit card via Self-Service Banner. Instructions are available here.

Payment Plan 2:

Pay 50% of tuition fees by October 31st and 50% by January 31st 

Pay online via Self-Service Banner before the deadlines. Instructions available here

Payment Plan 3 

To apply for the installment plan option

  1. Complete the Installment Plan Form
  2. Pay 20% of your tuition fees via Self-Service Banner
  3. Pay 10% per month for 8 months. Monthly payments must be received by the following dates: 
  • October 20th
  • November 20th 
  • December 20th 
  • January 20th 
  • February 20th 
  • March 20th 
  • April 20th 
  • May 20th 

You must complete an instalment request form and pay online via Self-Service Banner before the deadlines. Instructions available here.  

If you fall behind with the agreed payment plan, a hold will be placed on your student account which means that your access to Moodle/Library/Exam Results cannot be guaranteed. 

  • You are responsible for ensuring that your tuition fees are paid by the relevant deadlines.
  • If you fall behind with the agreed payment plan, a hold will be placed on your student account which means that you access to Moodle/Library/Exam Results cannot be guaranteed. 
  • Where a student has paid a deposit, this will be credited towards your first instalment payment. 
  • Students on short courses with fees of €500 can choose from Payment Plan 1 only. 
  • All fees must be paid by the 1st June.
  • Please refer to the Fee Payment Guide for further information. 

Instalment Plan Form

Instalment Plan Forms are Currently Unavailable

Sponsored Students- Employer/Skillnet/Springboard

You are a sponsored student if an external organisation or company will be paying your tuition fees to ATU directly e.g. your employer, a skillnet or Springboard

ImportantAll Employers / Sponsors will be invoiced directly by ATU Sligo when a completed Invoice Request Form has been received. 

If an Employer/ Sponsor pays ATU Sligo indirectly ( by company card, via expenses, via payroll, reimbursement etc.), the student is considered as a Self Funded Student ( not an Employer Sponsored Student).  Please refer to the Self Funded Student Section on this page. 

Employee /Skillnet Sponsored Students 

  • You will need to complete a ‘Invoice Request Form’ for each academic year of your studies
  • New students will receive this form during the admissions process. Continuing students can request a form by emailing feecollection.sligo@nullatu.ie  
  • An invoice will be issued to your employer/sponsor. Payment of tuition fees are due on as per the terms and conditions stated on the invoice.
  • If your sponsor will be partially funding your tuition fees, you will need to complete an invoice request form for the portion of fees that you employer will be funding. The remainder of your tuition fee must be paid online via Self-Service Banner.  Instructions here
  • You will be liable for any unpaid fees should the Sponsor default on payment. 

Springboard Funded Students 

  • If you are completing  a NFQ Level 6 programme, it is fully funded by the HEA, and you are not required to make any payment towards your tuition fees.  
  • If you are completing a NFQ Level 7 – 9 programme it is 90% funded by the HEA. If you are employed, you will be required to pay the remaining 10% of your tuition fees will be applied to your student account , these. If you are unemployed, no payment will be required. 
  • The HEA require you to confirm your registration status on the Springboard+ platform at specific times during the academic year to ensure your tuition fees are released to ATU Sligo.  The Springboard+ Co-ordinator will send you an email when you are due to complete these registration steps.
  • Further information about Springboard+ is available here

How to Make a Payment 2024/25

Registered students can make a fee payment by debit/credit card via Self Service Banner.  

Unfortunately it is not possible to accept payment over the phone or by cash/cheque.

Your student account in Self Service banner will always reflect your full tuition fees. If you want to make a partial payment you will need to edit the amount you want to pay.  


  • Log into Self Service Banner using your ATU Sligo login details 
  • Select ‘Pay Fees’
  • Select Term and hit Pay Now
  • Once the Term has been selected you can amend the amount in the fees box
  • For more detailed instructions, please see our User Guide 

Self Service Banner

User Guide - Paying Fees

Fee Implications for Withdrawals/Deferrals 2024/25

If you choose to withdraw or defer from your course, there will be fee implications depending on the date that you officially withdraw/defer. 

If you decide to defer/withdraw it is very important that you follow the official procedure.  It is not sufficient to tell or email a staff member that you are leaving.

Non-receipt of a letter/email/text communication from ATU Sligo will not be accepted as a valid reason for not officially withdrawing / deferring from your programme.

Further information about the Deferrals and Withdrawals policy, fee implications and the official application process is available here

Withdrawals & Deferrals

Implications for Non or Late Fee Payment

If you do not pay your tuition fees by the required deadlines, or fall behind on an agreed payment plan, a fee hold will be applied to your account. This means that your access to Moodle/Library/Exam Results cannot be guaranteed.

  • If you lose access to Moodle, you will not be able to attend online classes or submit assessments. 
  • Non-receipt of a fee reminder by letter/email/text will not be accepted as a valid reason for non-payment of fees. 
  • Students with outstanding fees for a prior academic year will lose access to enrolment records, examination results and academic transcripts.  
  • Examination results will not be released to any student with outstanding fees. 
  • Students will not be permitted to register for the next academic year or graduate until their outstanding fees are paid in full. ,

Tax Relief

As ATU is listed by the Irish revenue as an ‘Approved Institution’ students are eligible to claim tax relief at the standard rate for tuition fees. 

In order to determine your own eligibility and if the course you have applied for qualifies for a tax refund, please read the information on the Revenue website

Requesting a Receipt

A receipt of payment can be issued on request by completing the Request for a Receipt of Fees Paid for Part-Time Online Course application form available here.

Contact Us

Please quote your ATU student number in all requests.