Research Projects

Lokesh Yadav

Current PhD Student

Tuning of 2D material for wearable devices and biomedical applications

Research Project Summary:

This project will explore the potentials of nanomaterials in the preparation of electrically conducting wearable devices. This is an interdisciplinary project with various sections of science and engineering. Liquid phase exploitation of graphene/other layered nanomaterials and the preparation electrically conducting nanocomposites will be part of the project. Electro-mechanical properties of the nanocomposites will also be investigated.


I graduated with dual degree (B. Tech + M. Tech) in Materials Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. For my thesis work, I joined Prof. Vivek Verma’s Surface Engineering group which focuses on biocompatible materials for various applications such as wound dressing, biodegradable packaging, targeted drug delivery, bioimaging and more. During my thesis project, I worked on developing novel polymer nanoparticles with pH-sensitive fluorescence in bioimaging of prostate cancer cells. During the past four years, I have worked extensively on carbon nanomaterials, semiconducting polymers, organic/inorganic hybrid solar cells, lead removal and composite formation such as fabricating luminescent downshifting films for applications as a UV downconverter layer on top of perovskite solar cells. During my research, I gained experience in a wide variety of materials characterization techniques such as XPS, AFM, XRD, SEM, TEM, FTIR, Raman, DLS, CV, UV-Vis, Photoluminescence spectroscopy, NMR, and more. I have hands on experience in fabricating optoelectronic devices such as solar cells and LEDs. I am a skilled operator of glove box, spin-coater, centrifuge, evaporation chamber and well versed with measuring device efficiency, stability and defect analysis using advanced ultrafast optical and electrical characterization techniques.

Many of the chemistry techniques and synthesis methods that I learned during my research were exciting and I enjoyed learning from the faculty and postgraduate students at IITK. It has been my strong ambition to pursue research and contribute to the advancement of science and technology for a better world. I am delighted to be working with Dr. Umar Khan and Prof. Suresh Pillai and I have been following their research publications and find them very impactful. I find it a very rich experience to get the opportunity to meet students from all over the world and learn about their culture and values at ATU Sligo. Considering the pedigree and the content of my coursework at IIT Kanpur, combined with the knowledge I have garnered from my previous research experience, I am confident that this research program here at ATU Sligo will bring me a step closer to my goal of becoming an expert in materials research.


Yadav, L. et al. Red-emitting polyaniline-based nanoparticle probe for pH-sensitive fluorescence imaging. Biomaterials Advances 140, (2022).