Research Projects

Philip Lindey

Current PhD Student

Fine art Material Research and Oil Paint Technology. A working model of a painting Practice Strategies for Using oil paint without Volatile solvents in Studio Practice

Research Project Summary: The project, which is a group action research study, involved sixteen Irish artists. The research was inspired by discoveries in technical art history (notably by Raymond white at the National Gallery of London and Karin Groen at the University of Amsterdam) which changed the received wisdom about seventeenth century practices and which I had felt could point the way to avoidance of solvent use in oil painting. The study engages with several novel historically informed approaches to oil painting which taken together allow for an entirely solvent free oil painting practice. This engagement with contemporary artists and seeks to examine the viability and significance of such approaches as applied to their practices.


Philip Lindey studied fine art in Sligo Regional Technical College, going on to NCAD Completing a BA. In 1999, he completed a Masters of fine art at University of Ulster. He has exhibited internationally and his work features in many private, corporate and in the state collection.