MS Valerie Mc Taggart

Jt Assistant Lecturer



Valerie is a lecturer in Global Business Services, at the Institute of Technology, Sligo.
She has  a Degree from the University of Ulster at Jordanstown in Applied Consumer Studies, a BA Hons Degree in Applied Consumer Studies from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, a Master’s in Business from John Moors University Liverpool, and an Ordinary Degree in Teaching and Education from NUIG.  Valerie is  in the process of completing my PhD which focuses on  'Digital Transformation in a Traditional Organisations’ through DCU School of Business.  

Prior to joining IT Sligo in 2018, Valerie worked in Financial Services for over twenty years in Ireland and the UK, undertaking a variety of roles, including project management, people management and training and development.  She is  the programme director of a BA Hons Joint Major in Business and ICT. working  with students at both undergraduate and post graduate level, delivering modules on Digital Transformation, Leadership and Management in Remote Teams, Innovation Creativity and Critical Thinking for Business, Entrepreneurship and Business Process Reengineering.
Valerie is  the Director of IT Sligo’s Research Team on the Future Digital Organisation working closely with industry partners researching topics in relation to the future digital workforce and the impact of digital technologies on organisations., presenting her  research at a number of national and international conferences including.