Cathal Mc Bride – BSc (Hons) in Computing

Name: Cathal Mc Bride

School: St Michael’s College, Enniskillen

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what led you to choose your course: 

Always had a passion for technology and was focused on gaining as wide a knowledge base as possible. 

Tell us why you chose ATU Sligo: 

ATU Sligo offered a course that provided the widest range of modules to learn from. 

What specifically about the course do you particularly enjoy: 

The projects offer a lot of freedom to showcase the skills you have gained. 

What is the best thing about your course that you think new applicants should know: 

Regardless of your beginning skillset, the college ensures no one is left behind (As long as the work is put in)  

If you were speaking with a first-year student about to start your course, what advice/information would you give them: 

Attending your lectures and labs is 70% of the battle, once you attend them the knowledge sticks. 

If you are involved in sports, volunteering, working or have other passions you pursue outside of your academic life, can you tell us about that?  

If you had an idea for a new club/ society, the college/ student’s union is great for getting it up and going. I joined the ‘adventure sports’ society which introduced me to the sport of rock climbing. 

What are your plans after ATU Sligo and any long term goals you are aiming for: 

Continue to learn and expand my knowledge of computer technologies with one day hope to become a cybersecurity specialist. 

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