Course Summary
Our Mechanical Engineering degree provides students with the skills, knowledge, and competencies required to begin a career in mechanical and manufacturing engineering. This degree enables students to understand and apply the principles of mathematics, science, physics, and the various mechanical engineering technologies, as well as practising design processes and techniques.
Here at ATU Sligo, we have a strong tradition of tool and product design that has been incorporated into the programme. This provides our students with fundamental mechanical engineering skills.
This programme is designed to address the needs of industry by supplying skilled technicians who have developed a diverse set of skills. Students have access to state-of-the-art facilities, including comprehensive material and testing laboratories, industry standards software in CAD/CAM, automation equipment, traditional manufacturing workshops, and 3D printers as well as advanced CNC machines.
Mechanical Engineering is all about the design, manufacture and use of products, machines and processes. Products include everything from car and aircraft parts to domestic appliances and medical devices. Examples of machines and processes include manufacturing, test and packaging machinery as well as heating and cooling systems.
During this programme students study a broad range of technical and complementary subjects and we reinforce students analytical and practical skills through challenging individual and group projects. Students love the time spent in the well-equipped workshop, where they learn the basics of operating lathes, and milling machines, good practice in measurement, welding and much more. CAD is another subject which students enjoy. Along with these hands on subjects there are the usual mathematics for engineers, thermodynamics, material science, and mechanics. All of these are backed up with tutorials, practical laboratory sessions or other opportunities to practice what is learnt in class.
In Year 3, students work in small groups to bring a project from concept, design and build. Examples of group projects in the past have included design, building and testing of automated pick-and-place assembly machines, wind turbines, hovercraft, go-karts, bale splitters, attachments for tractors, compactors, dune buggies, and special purpose machines such as willow harvester, oyster-shell crusher, grading machine for mussels.
A number of trips are organised, examples being the rescue R118 helicopter in Strandhill, Abbotts and AbbVie manufacturing sites, the Ploughing Championships, where students have won awards for their Year 3. Recently, a group of students spent a week in Esslingen, Germany studying laboratory work such as engine tuning, computational fluid dynamics, materials testing, and also visiting local factories such as Audi, Porsche and Mahle.
Our programme is fully accredited by Engineers Ireland, which makes it recognised worldwide. As well as accreditation, our students have performed extremely well in the annual Innovative Student Awards adjudicated by Engineers Ireland. These awards look at projects by engineers from all disciplines from all third level institutions in Ireland. Our students have won the top prize on a number of occasions.
Students explore the different areas of engineering through a selection of practical modules, allowing them to decide which area they wish to pursue in Semester 2. Students study general engineering subjects including Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics, Engineering Technology and Computer-aided Design.
Students specialise in mechanical engineering, and study Engineering Materials, Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, Computer-integrated Manufacturing and Automation Technology, Computer-aided Manufacture, Manufacturing Technology and Computer aided Design (CAD), along with Mathematics, Mechanics and completing a group project.
Students enhance their knowledge and skill levels in and perform more detailed analysis and testing. Students also undertake a major design and group build project.
Entry Requirements
Entry requirements for CAO courses at ATU Sligo are available for download below:
Career Opportunities
Our engineering graduates are in high demand to meet the skills shortage across the sector both nationally and internationally. With our strong emphasis on design in our course, graduates secure positions as design engineers in automation companies, and other manufacturing companies. Others work in production planning, engineering management, maintenance, quality, calibration, or validation.
A number of graduates work in the medical device manufacturing, others have secured positions working in aircraft maintenance. Some graduates have also gone on to work as airline pilots.
The skills learned in ATU Sligo has provided many graduates the opportunity to gain employment abroad in Canada, North America, Australia, the Middle East, Europe and the UK.
The BEng in Mechanical Engineering comes with professional accreditation from Engineers Ireland. This is an internationally recognised accreditation which means graduates have worldwide employment opportunities. A professionally accredited programme gives graduates an advantage when it comes to employment.
Further Study
Upon completion of this Level 7 ordinary degree, students may progress their studies through the Level 8 add-on programmes BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering or the BEng (Hons) in Precision Engineering and Design.
BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering add-on
BEng (Hons) in Precision Engineering and Design add-on
Following completion of a Level 8 programme, we offer a wide range of Level 9 and Level 10 postgraduate studies.
Hear what employers have to say about Engineering graduates from ATU Sligo. Plus, see some of the projects our students have worked on.
Did you know?
We also offer this degree at Level 8 - AU943 BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering
A large portion of the programme is delivered via practicals, laboratories and workshops. Students also undertake company visits and receive guest lectures from industry speakers.
Students have won several national competitions with their final year projects, notably with Engineers Ireland and at the National Ploughing Championships.
Students undertake a major design and group build project in Year 3. Examples of group projects in the past have included design, building and testing of automated pick-and-place assembly machines, wind turbines, hovercraft, go-karts, bale splitters, attachments for tractors, compactors, dune buggies, and special purpose machines such as willow harvester, oyster-shell crusher, grading machine for mussels.
Student projects are presented at The Sligo Engineering & Technology Expo. The Expo is attended by a range of companies including Fortune 500 industry leaders. This allows students to network with potential employers. View the latest Engineering Expo Catalogue
This programme is designed to address the needs of industry by supplying skilled technicians who have developed a diverse set of skills.
Students have access to state-of-the-art facilities, including comprehensive material and testing laboratories, industry standards software in CAD/CAM, automation equipment, traditional manufacturing workshops, and 3D printers as well as advanced CNC machines.
The BEng in Mechanical Engineering comes with professional accreditation from Engineers Ireland. This is an internationally recognised accreditation which means graduates have worldwide employment opportunities. A professionally accredited programme gives graduates an advantage when it comes to employment.
After completion of Year 2, students can exit with a Higher Certificate in Mechanical Engineering.
Our Level 7 and Level 6 Engineering programmes have a common first semester. This gives students a good understanding of the different aspects of the engineering profession. In Semester 2, they choose a field of engineering to specialise in from AU835 BEng in Civil Engineering, AU833 BEng in Mechanical Engineering, AU831 BEng in Mechatronic Engineering or BEng in Precision Engineering and Design This allows students to change their speciality in Semester 2 if desired.
"Solidworks was by far my favourite module. I am a visual learner/thinker and I love to brainstorm concepts and ideas, so being able to utilise Solidworks to interpret ideas into a virtual platform, then into a manufacturable output is quite rewarding. I also gained key skills in communication and critical thinking. These have helped me work across multiple industries. Each industry requires different knowledge and understanding, so having the ability to interpret, problem solve and communicate across different disciplines and departments has been key to my success.
During my time in Sligo I was also part of a team which won the Engineers Ireland Innovative Student Engineer of the Year Award. Our project was the Willow Harvester. The Willow Harvester prototype provides a cost effective harvesting solution for smaller, dispersed willow growers.
I have been very fortunate to work across a wide range of industries both in Ireland and Canada. In my current role, I interpret Autodesk Revit production drawings to create 3D models for interior construction environments for Hospitals, Schools and Large-Scale International companies."
Anthony Mannion, BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering graduate and Advanced Inventor Designer at Falkbuilt in Calgary, Canada
Course Format
Semester 1
Title | Credits |
Engineering Graphics & Computer Aided Design | 05 |
Introduction to Programming | 05 |
Engineering Physics | 05 |
Introduction to Engineering | 05 |
Mathematics 101 | 05 |
Engineering Mechanics 101 | 05 |
Semester 2
Title | Credits |
Electrical Principles Engineering | 05 |
Mathematics 102 | 05 |
Mechanical Project | 05 |
Manufacturing and Engineering Technology | 05 |
Introduction to Industrial Automation | 05 |
Design 102 | 05 |
Semester 3
Semester 4
Semester 5
Title | Credits |
Mathematics 3 | 05 |
Thermodynamics & Fluid Mechanics Intermediate | 05 |
Computer Aided Design 302 | 05 |
Essential Lean Six Sigma and Validation | 05 |
Integrated Project | 10 |
Machine Design | 05 |
Semester 6
Title | Credits |
Control Systems 301 | 05 |
Computer Aided Design 301 | 05 |
Mechanics/Dynamics 301 | 05 |
CIM & Robotics 300 | 05 |
Materials Testing & Metrology | 05 |